
Essay on Cmh 302

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Jasmyne Price Unit CMH 302 - Understanding Mental Health problems Outcome 1 Q1. Describe the main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system: Mood disorders – Major depressive disorder/Bipolar disorder Personality disorders - Narcissistic personality disorder Anxiety disorders – General anxiety disorder Psychotic disorders – Delusional disorder Substance-related disorders – Alcohol abuse Eating disorders - Anorexia nervosa/Bulimia nervosa Cognitive disorders - Alzheimer's disease Q2. Explain the key strengths and limitations of the psychiatric classification system The classification system provides a means for the multiaxial assessment and includes Primary Diagnosis, …show more content…

Explain how individuals experience discrimination due to misinformation, assumptions and stereotypes about mental ill health. Misinformation and misperception about mental illness can lead to the stigmatization of ourselves, our parents, our children, our spouses and others that we care about. The consequences of stigma range from social isolation to poverty to barriers to quality treatment and care. Stigma perpetrated on a grand scale can result in a system that reinforces the idea that people diagnosed with mental illnesses are unimportant and therefore are unworthy of access to quality and affordable care. Some media outlets (films and television) serve to perpetuate negative stereotypes and reinforce stigma. Although relatively few people with mental illness act out in

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