
College Admissions Essay: Where Would We Be Without Teachers

Decent Essays

Where would we be without teachers? Teachers possess the greatest power to influence students and consequently can shape America’s future. I found this humorous definition of a teacher on Urban Dictionary: “A person who cares enough about abusive and ungrateful teens to work for crappy pay and long hours while hoping someday students mature enough to realize how lucky they are to have someone who gives a crap about them.” Thankfully, I am not the kind of teen the author is talking about, for I know the significance and importance of professors. Today, I would like to utilize this opportunity to pay tribute to one of the best professors I have ever had, Professor Dona Wonder Woman Walker. Like millions of others living in America, public speaking was my greatest fear, so when I was registering for this class, CST 100, I prayed and hoped that I would have the opportunity to be taught by a competent professor. From the ten class sections listed, I narrowed it down five based on meeting dates that could fit into my summer schedule. To make a final …show more content…

On the first day of class, even though she had recently broken her ankle, she walked in with a bright smile and made fun of her situation. Did I mention that she has one of the most cheery and infectious laughter? Her laughter always brightened my day. One cannot talk about Professor Walker without making mention of great sense of humor; she always had a hilarious story from personal experience to back up textbook points and enliven the class. There was the sour lemon faced girl who would never laugh at her jokes, and there was the kid who paid tribute to Aunt Jemima. To ease tension and calm our nerves, she let us all nickname ourselves. She went by Wonder Woman Walker. There could not be a more suitable nickname, for Professor Walker is just as experienced, masterful and trained like the DC comic book heroine she identified

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