
College Is An Opportunity For College

Decent Essays

I can honestly say that I want to go to college primarily because I believe that I can gain a deep understanding of much I want to learn about. College is an opportunity for me to gain a more profound understanding of the subjects I either did not have access to or was discouraged to do more than skim over because “...well it won’t be on the regents, so it doesn’t really matter...”. During the summer of 2012, I was given the opportunity to attend a college course through a special program offered by my school district. It was so unlike many of my high school classes that I was shocked. Everything was broken down to small, yet still significant, details before being reconstructed so that I was able to see how every little piece made something work. I often do not feel gratified in school when I am told that something is so because it“Keep Calm, and Let’s Go to Six Flags!” I grinned as I presented the flyer showcasing my cheesy adaption of a morale poster to Ms. Mercadante, my Geometry teacher. She mouthed the words to herself before nodding and handing it back. Relief washed over us both; the completion of this simple task was the final part of a complex pursuit in securing an affordable, fun, and educational end of the year trip for the Roosevelt student body. Only a few weeks prior I sat behind my desk as this same teacher announced that, due to unfortunate monetary circumstances, the end-of-the-year trip was cancelled. It wasn’t the first time something like this

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