
Commentary On The Film 'Ballplayer: Pelotero'

Decent Essays

Ballplayer: Pelotero, directed by Ross Finkel, Jonathan Paley and Trevor Martin, is a documentary that examines the lives of two young baseball players, or peloteros, from the Dominican Republic, and the scandals associated with many of these players. The two men from this documentary are Jean Carlos Batista and Miguel Angel Sano, both were hoping to collect significant signing bonuses and to play professional baseball in the Major League Baseball (MLB). Their love for game becomes tainted by their own dishonesty and lack of integrity, and by the corruption of fellow players, coaches and teams trying to cheat one another out of money. During the documentary, we see certain players and teams abusing the system and we learn the consequences …show more content…

The MLB believes they can find cheap players in the Dominican Republic and still create revenue. Unlike the majority of young players from the United States, these young men from the Dominican Republic are willing to take small signing bonus because they come from a poverty stricken country. Often, MLB teams are able to sign two or three Dominican players for the same salary as one American players. Even though the MLB is not equitable in their signing agreements, and does not pay them according to their worth, many of these players, see their lower salaries and playing opportunities with the same excitement and enthusiasm as their American …show more content…

I read Andrew O’Hehir’s article Inside the Secret World of Dominican Baseball, to learn about other players who made it to the professional league, but cheated the system in order to gain an advantage. One player who was able to bypass the investigation process was 28 year old Cleveland Indians pitcher, Fausto Carmona. It was learned that Carmona was actually named Roberto Hernandez, and his real age was 31 years old (Secret World, O’Hehir). Another example from O’Hehir’s article, was the Jimmy Kelly scandal, where Kelly also lied about his age. Kelly claimed to be 16 years old when he signed a with the Toronto Blue Jays, but he was actually 13. When the team realized he lied about his age, Kelly was released from his contract and found himself homeless, on the streets of Toronto (Secret World,

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