
Compare And Contrast Literary And Imagination

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Logic or Imagination?

Most parents in the world will have the same opinion if they are asked which one good for their children is, comic or textbook. They will definitely answer that textbook is better than comic because it contains knowledge and it supports the children’s study at school. In the other hand, comic is just full of many pictures and telling a story to the children, even it makes children addicted to read it and override their study. That is true. Reading textbook will make children smarter, but reading comics will make them become imaginative children. Anyhow, have you ever heard about Albert Einstein’s quote? He said that ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the …show more content…

The first is imagination. Imagination encourages children to be creative. Creativity is how someone has an idea about creating something new and original. Like what Einstein said, ‘Imagination embraces the entire world, stimulates progress, gives birth to evolution.’ It is all starting with the imagination. Before doing something, the first step that most people do is imagining the idea. The very simple example is when you want to write a story, the first thing you do is imagine about the characters and how you can relate one to another in that story. Many great writers in the world have the idea about the books they write from their own imagination. J.K. Rowling (the author of Harry Potter Series), Stephanie Mayer (the author of The Twilight Series), Suzanne Collins (the author of Hunger Games Series) are the examples. We will not find the characters or situations like what they write in their book in the real life such as witch, vampire, and werewolf because they are all just the imagination of the author. Imagination that they write which become very creative and amazing stories, but look what they get with their imagination! Their books become best-seller books. Even the books are adapted to movies and become box office in most countries in the world. There is no one that does not know who Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are. There is no one that does not know who Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen are. …show more content…

Logic makes children think rationally about problem in life. By thinking rationally, they can solve many problems. Usually a logical thinker is someone who is smart because they have knowledge to solve many problems that they met. They use the left brain more than the right brain. According to the left brain is used for thinking something logically, while the right brain is used to think something creatively and imaginatively. In solving the problem they are using all the knowledge that they have, so they have less belief in their imagination. It means, they must have much knowledge. Reading textbook is one of ways to enrich their knowledge. They will become smarter but maybe they get less happiness. Why? Because reading comic is more interesting than reading

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