
Compare And Contrast Son Of Edgetho And Beowulf

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A town called Herots is being attacked by a devilish monster named Grendel. Though they have defenses they need a hero to save them. This hero’s name is Beowulf. Son of Edgetho. A mighty man, greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world. Would come to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of Herots. The great hero’s first battle would come with the terrorizer of the town, Grendel. Grendel was a powerful monster, living down in the darkness, growled in pain. A monster that was angered by the happiness of the town. Rising from the swampy marshes, his own hell; only to reign havoc on the people and town of Herots. The hero and the monster would soon meet. The Herots hall would soon be the place of battle, where only one party can be victorious. …show more content…

They praise sir Beowulf, thanking him greatly. Yet little did this town or Beowulf know the agony yet to come. Grendel was indeed a monster, but a monster who was the spawn of a cruel creature. The slain monster’s mother, a she-wolf would be the hero’s next challenge. He would travel to the home of the monster’s mother, to yet again engage in the act of battle. They shall meet in the deep depths of the marshy hell. Beowulf would try to defeat the she-wolf with his sword but would not be enough. As he begins to become beaten, and weak, he sees a sword that may be to his advantage. “A heavy sword, hammered by giants, strong and blessed by their magic, the best of all weapons but so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated length” (page 54 line 530-535) He raised thy mighty sword and struck the devil in the neck, cutting the entire head off. Hrothgar’s men watch the monster’s lake filled with blood. Thinking all hope and gone and mighty Beowulf had been killed. Yet as the old men begin to whisper the mighty hero rises from the lake, only holding the she-wolfs head and the giant’s sword. The Beowulf would return with the head and place the monsters head in front of the …show more content…

Beowulf would be king, and reign for fifty long years over Geatland. A dragon would soon begin to menace King Beowulf’s kingdom. As an old man, Beowulf would have to suit up once again to slay the monster. Beowulf would not fight alone as Wiglaf and his men would join the king in battle. Beowulf and Wiglaf would slay the mighty dragon, a dagger to its fiery heart would end its life. Even though the mighty dragon had been slain, the same fate to came for old Beowulf. As he lies there, in the last minutes of his life he asks Wiglaf to bring the dragon’s riches to him. As Beowulf passed he asked Wiglaf to build him a tower. A tower to remember his greatness, his courage, and his fame. The task would be completed. A mighty tower would be built, filled with the dragon’s riches along with his other possessions. As Beowulf lies at rest, the question must be asked. Was he a true hero? Wanting only to help the towns people and keep them safe? Or just a mighty man wanting to be king, loathed in fame and riches? That is something that may always stay

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