
Compare Of Mice And Men And The Great Gatsby

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Let’s say that there is a person who has an important goal that he wants to eventually reach, such as becoming a professional football player. He goes to all the practices, goes to the gym everyday, and he studies all of the plays that he might do. He puts in tons of work and at the end of highschool he gets a scholarship to play football in college. So, he is on the team, and on his first day of practice, he has a career ending injury. He can no longer play football for the rest of his life. How do you think that made him feel? The Great Gatsby is a book about a man, named Nick, who has a neighbor, called Gatsby, who likes a woman who he knew in the past. Of Mice and Men is a book about two men, named George and Lennie. They are trying to get a job and enough money to buy some land, so they can “live off the fatta the land” (Fitzgerald 14-15). The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men both show characters that are determined to achieve the american dream. As these characters get closer to achieving the american dream, things start to go downhill. This shows that no matter how determined someone is to achieve the american dream, they might not be able to achieve this dream.
In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby spent years trying to achieve his dream, but he made a bad decision and lost his chance. Gatsby met Daisy a couple years before (Fitzgerald 74). He would hide his social class from her because he was afraid she wouldn’t like him. He never forgot her, even when he went to fight in the war. He has been formulating a plan to get Daisy back. He comes back and got a house across the lake from Daisy, hoping to be with her some day. He did a lot of bad business to get all of his wealth, but the money wasn’t enough. He wanted to be with Daisy. He eventually gets to meet up with Daisy because of Nick’s help, and Gatsby gets closer to being able to live a life with Daisy. One day, everyone (Tom, Daisy, Gatsby, Nick, and Jordan) is in town, renting a hotel room to deal with the heat. Tom figures out that Daisy and Gatsby have something going on. Tom gets mad and everyone starts to head home. On the way back, Gatsby lets Daisy drive his car, which was his bad decision (Fitzgerald 143). Daisy hits Myrtle,

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