
Comparing Military Medicines Of Ancient Rome And Medieval And Renaissance

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When comparing military medicines of Ancient Rome and Medieval and Renaissance, a soldier in Ancient Rome had a better chance of surviving injuries than a soldier in later eras. Due to Ancient Rome’s outstanding medical innovations, their hygienic practices, precise surgeries and medicines. When discussing about ancient times a general assumption would be that people back then didn’t live a sanity life, especially soldiers due to them being in various battles and being afflicted with painful injuries. However, in Ancient Rome it was the opposite due to the development of medicine and military medicine during the Ancient Rome was the highest point it attained in the ancient world . The importance of hygiene was a big factor. They maintained their clean lifestyle with the use of complex sewer systems, supply of fresh water, varied diets, health inspections, regular baths, monitoring food supplies, sanitary latrines, cremation and camp walls; a Roman soldier lived almost five years longer than a normal citizen . A soldier’s wellbeing and cleanliness was very high maintained. Daily washing of equipment, bath and exercises were mandatory for soldiers, a healthy environment was needed to achieve such. Using the advice of Varro, whose theory of contagion is similar to the germ theory introduced in the 19th century, Roman forts and camps were never close to swamps and standing water , the Romans in fact designed buildings and roads so that rainwater pouring

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