
Competency Self Assessment Essay

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These are the skills and competencies I have learned through my studies at Walden University. Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al. (2009) stated professionalism comes from my respect for those who need help. Integrity can be built with confidence in the therapist. Attitudes are charitable, polite, caring emotions toward others that fuel my motivation toward helping. This concern welfare of others comes from my religious and personal experiences as a child and young adult. Furthermore, legal responsibility is willing to accept fault, knowing when to ask questions of a supervisor to more clearly meet the needs of the client. Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al., 2009). Moreover, this insightful implementation is the ability to …show more content…

Moreover, Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al. (2009) stated that the client/therapist relationship is built on trust and kindness, empathy, and positive regard. Interpersonal and professional relationships are key. Affective skills are based on personal and cultural context (Kaslow, et al. 2009). Furthermore, there are boundaries that are associated with each relationship. Affective skills are based on personal and cultural context(Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al., 2009). Kaslow, et al. (2009) postulated that ethical legal standards are policies that protect the professional and the client/patient. Awareness and use of ethical decision making is through ethical courses that I have taken in my Master’s Level and now next quarter in my doctoral level training Subsequently the interdisciplinary systems are facts that are shared between colleagues from different disciplines (Kaslow, Grus, Campbell, & Fouad, et al., 2009). Functioning in multi- and inter-disciplinary contexts are working with other professionals in the health care sector in a holistic way. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and psychotherapy components are examples. Assessment and psychometrics are required so I will know what treatment to employ for the client/patient. Evaluation methods will be learned in Cognitive assessment. Application methods will be learned also how to use the method best for the client. Diagnosis is to charge the

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