
Concussions In High School Essay

Decent Essays

Is it safe for a high school student to play football? Concussions have become a major concern when it comes to football. 33% of concussions occur at practice and one in five high school athletes will unfortunately sustain a sports concussion during the season. Does this mean that parents shouldn't allow their son to play football in high school? Although many parents decide not to let their child play football due to injury concern, the Improvement in equipment, better coaching, and penalties all help to make the game of football safe.
The Improvement in equipment has greatly decreased the cause of brain injury in high school sports. Now, in 2017, we have equipment far superior to even ten years ago. Also, now have a better medical understanding …show more content…

Refs throw flags when a player hits another player In the helmet or when a block is below the knees. These penalties help to keep players playing the correct way and not throwing cheap hits. If a player gets one of these personal fouls, the team he plays on that the flag was against either loses 15 yards or gives the opponent and extra 15 free yards depending on who's on offense. Coaches get aggravated when a player commits one of these penalties so the guilty player usually gets taken out of the game for some time. Penalties make cheap shots and head to head contact less frequent because of the blow the team takes to their chance of scoring points or defending. No player wants to hurt their chance of winning.
In conclusion, if a player plays the game of football right with the help of his coaching staff, the risk of getting injured is greatly decreased. Along with good coaching, the Improvement in equipment and the penalties for Head to Head contact and blocks below the knees all make football a safer sport to play. Without these three things, football would be a ruthless sport with almost a guarantee of getting injured. These three things make football a much safer sport to play and it gives one physical activity, bonding with teammates, memories and just plain old

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