
Concussions In Middle School Essay

Decent Essays

The School Board should not offer middle school tackle football. There is a high risk of injuries including concussions, primarily in middle school children. These injuries can have long lasting effects, especially if repeated. Therefore, offering tackle football in middle schools poses a huge risk for middle schoolers, although there are few benefits, would do more harm than good.
The topic of most concern for both parents and school board members is the risk of injuries. Tackle football may be fun for children, but the hits can be hard, resulting in excruciating injuries that can have long lasting effects that aren’t fully understood, such as reason as to why some kids don’t recover from a single injury or why some children have more catastrophic …show more content…

The symptoms include memory problems, nausea, temporary disorientation, and brief unconsciousness, while more serious concussions can result in permanent brain damage, especially if repeated. In the most severe cases, the brain could swell, consequently putting pressure on the brain stem which controls basic life functions, particularly breathing. Recently concussed people did 25% worse on memory and comprehension assessments compared to those without a concussion, a study published in the journal Neurology found. The concussed participants showed signs of brain damage on imaging scans one year later, despite evaluation results being equal between the two groups. Kids of the approximate middle school age, 12-15, are at the highest risk. Not only are they at the highest risk, younger kids are now sustaining concussions more frequently. The most recent data from the Center for Disease Control shows that 25,376 children were sent to the emergency room due to brain injury received from participating in football each year. According to the Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association, emergency room visits for concussions doubled between 8 and 13 year olds between 1997 and

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