
Concussions In Sports Essay

Decent Essays

18% of people in the U.S. have stopped watching football in two years when the original percent was 58%. Even though sports do have physical benefits, children or middle-aged people shouldn’t play games that include your head having the chance of getting hit. There are so many risks that a very capable of happening because of what you could lose altogether. You can have a concussion that can cause deadly diseases such as CTE, a concussion has negative effects on a child's education if not treated properly, and concussions can vary depending on which league they’re in.

Brain diseases have taken their toll on players especially football players. CTE is a disease that will occur if a player has taken repeated blows to the head without healing or having any time to rest in between each blow. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE is a disease that can only be diagnosed after death. CTE, in your head, happens when the brain trauma from being hit triggers the extra build-up of tau (a protein) and progressive degeneration of the brain tissue. Over the years this has begun to be more common in older professionals and younger children are playing head contact sports which could …show more content…

Kids who have suffered a concussion usually report having headaches and fatigue which makes learning difficult. A study showed that the more difficult a students classes were the more the concussion interfered with the work they did. Some researchers have recommended that the healthcare professionals give families post-concussion plans that would pass onto the school. Many of the students that got concussions had problems with note taking and completing their homework. These factors may be overlooked when a child is diagnosed and could lead to a drop in their grades. More and more in the recent years are younger players playing sports that can cause a concussion and their brains are being

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