
Concussions In Sports Research Paper

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6 Things You Should Know About Concussions in Sports
By: Austin Staniszewski, Jakob Williams, and Gavin Hilvert (Austin, Gavin, Jakob) Introduction What is a concussion? A concussion is a bruise or bleeding in or on your brain. It is caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of your head. Concussions can be minor or serious depending on how hard you got hit. During a concussion the person might not know the date or can not see how many fingers you have up. The more you get concussions, the more likely you are to get them. Sometimes they can be fetal.

(Austin) Sports Might Not be The Same Anymore Many kids around the country are not playing sports due to concussions. “Recurrent concussions to several high-profile athletes, some of whom were forced into retirement as a result, have increased awareness among sports medicine personnel and the general public.” as posted by Parents are concerned about their child's safety in sports. All …show more content…

As said in “In organized high school sports, concussions occur more often in competitive sports, with football accounting for more than 60% of concussions.” This shows us that the sport that causes the most concussions of any other, but the stats for genders are very different. For males, the sport that causes concussions more than any other is football. For females, soccer is the sport with most recorded female concussions. As stated in, the chance for male concussions in football is 75%. For Females it’s 50% in soccer. Also stated in the article, “78% of concussions occur during games (as opposed to practice.)” The main cause of concussions in football is spearing (ramming with your head.) That is dangerous for the person ramming and the one being

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