
Controversy: The Founder Of The North Pole

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"We were the only pulsating creatures in a dead world of ice." This is a quote from famous North Pole explorer Frederick Albert Cook. He, along with explorer Robert Edwin Peary, are well known as the founders of the North Pole. However, nobody knows who the actual founder is. The controversy on who was the first to make it there is an ongoing one, with both explorers claiming to have made it there first. Cook claimed that he had made it a year earlier than Peary, but the argument can go both ways. With evidence supporting both sides, the conflict can go on and on. While both have well detailed journals, some believe that the necessary information is absent, which makes finding a solution difficult. Although resolving a founder for an area should be an easy task, the founder of the North Pole is a mystery we may never fully resolve. When a major landform is discovered, it often sparks vast reactions from people worldwide. Some people get extremely excited about the idea of new land to settle and raise families on. This was the case when Columbus discovered the Americas. The idea of a whole new continent to settle was very enticing to settlers looking to get away. The discovery of the North Pole, …show more content…

Their friendship goes way back to when both of them spent time working on the same ship. After that, they began the idea of going on Arctic explorations together. Cook joined with Peary in his Greenland expedition in 1891 (Henderson). Peary shattered his leg during the expedition in a shipboard accident, and Cook calmly set Peary's two broken bones (Henderson). It is easy to believe that without Cook, Peary may have never lived past the Greenland expedition. Cook's experience was necessary for Peary to have successful explorations. It's hard to believe that two people that were so close could drift apart to practically become

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