
Corporal Punishment Dbq

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Corporal Punishment

Corporal Punishment of children breaches their fundamental human rights it’s legality in the majority states worldwide.Corporal punishment has been a big problem for a very long time.Many people disagree with corporal punishment and so do I.Physical punishment should not be allowed in schools,it can create violence in kids,it is another abusive act,and kids get robbed from their full learning potential. Physical punishment can provoke violence in kids, and bullying can start just from physical punishment.Kids that get punished want to hurt other innocent kids that didn’t do anything to them.Students getting in trouble in school does not help them to stop being mean to other kids. Innocent children have to deal with …show more content…

This act promotes youthful violence. When a child has to receive corporal punishment, it can hurt them in the long run when they grow-up. “A lot of these these students come from violent homes, and kids see this as another act”. (Source B) Some kids that are innocent but still have to be punished for something that might be “petty”, Students might think this as an an abusive act. Students that get in punished at school can also get in trouble when they get home. Sometimes kid does not want their parents to know how they have been acting at school. Corporal punishment is an unnecessary tool in schools because it does not teach kids to behave

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