
Corporal Punishment Is Not Uncommon

Decent Essays

“Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” Since the beginning of recorded history, parents have used corporal punishment as a form of discipline. Bible verses such as this instructs us that spanking as a form of corrective behavior coincides with Christian ideology. In the early stages of a child’s life, before the ability to understand reasoning and explanations, corporal punishment is necessary to correct undesirable behavior and promote discipline. In recent years, this particular form of punishment has been banned in educational institutions and usage shunned in homes in favor of “new age” discipline. As a result, school violence has increased and school shootings have become an epidemic.
In today society, the above mentioned stance on corporal punishment is not uncommon. Many believe that because it was used as a child rearing tool in their childhood that it is not only effective but necessary in the rearing of obedient children. However, modern studies have consistently contradicted this philosophy. It is now known that although corporal punishment demonstrates short term results it ultimately leads to long term behavioral problems such as childhood aggression, poor parent/child relationship, poor child mental health, and adult antisocial behavior.
Many proponents site the biblical passage “spare the rod and spoil the child” when defending the use of corporal punishment. However, this passage is not derived from the

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