
Creativity Action Plan/Proposal

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Creativity Action Plan/Proposal
Angela Barginear
OLCU 632
June 27, 2013
Robert Babcock

Many of us believe that to be fully creative, we would have to leave our lives as we know them: quit the job, move to another state, and divorce our spouses (Allen, 1988). There are a number of reasons why creative ideas fail to become innovations. Sometimes it is because the idea, which seems brilliant in concept, is flawed in application. More often, the problem is that organizations invest in creative ideas such as brainstorming events, idea management, idea campaigns, but fail to invest in implementing the most creative ideas that come from those initiatives. We are currently watching how organizations are submerged in an absolute race to …show more content…

“It is a paradox of communication that he more you risk sharing personal data in a communication, the more trust will be built in the organization” (Allen, 1988, pp. 116-117)Moreover, discussing the idea with friends, family and colleagues may provide valuable input about how to make the idea more innovative.
The last step of the implementation plan is the step by step action plan. This will describe every step the organization will need to take, how long each step will take and what should be achieved. It will incorporate much of the information above which will better develop a cast iron action plan that increases the likeliness that the organization ideas will be implemented effectively. And that is what turns a creative idea into an innovation.
The next step is to do a simple risk versus benefits analysis. That may sound complex, but might simply be a matter of drawing up a table with a column labeled “benefits” and one called “risks”. Then simply lists the benefits and risks in their appropriate columns. If the risks are greater than the benefits, you need to rethink your idea and focus on greater benefits. In the article written by Mr.Michalko states, “Whenever you try to do something and do not succeed, you do not fail. You have learned something that does not work” (Michalko, 2012)
A number of promising creative ideas are generated. Sometimes business plans are developed. Sometimes prototypes

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