
Essay about Critical Analysis of Interview with the Vampire

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Critical Analysis of Interview with the Vampire Charismatic. Charming. Sensual. Beautiful. Would you ever use these adjectives to describe a vampire? The common theme in portraying vampires in literature has always involved depictions of great violence, ugliness, and fear. Novels involving vampires never portrayed the vampire as a heroic character, but rather as the villain who was then destroyed in the end. Stereotypical vampires terrorized towns, lived in grim, dark, towering castles and turned into bats when in trouble. Authors were simply not inspired to build a tale around the life of a vampire, his shortcomings, his doubts, his fears. Rather, authors used the vampire as a metaphor for evil that resides in humanity. …show more content…

An important part of the novel is Louis’ refusal to kill human to satiate his blood thirst. Giving in to his blood thirst is the equivalent of becoming like the stereotypical vampire. At one point in the novel the vampires Louis and Claudia journey to Eastern Europe on a quest to find others like themselves. Elegant, intelligent, and beautiful, Louis and Claudia are shocked to find that the fabled vampires of Romania are little more than zombies, rotten half-eaten corpses who suffer the fate of being animated. "I had met the European vampire, the creature of the Old World," Louis pronounces as he kills the last of these. "He was dead." (Pg. 322). The previous passage is literally a comparison of monsters.

Around the same time vampire books written by Stephen King and Bram Stoker gained popularity. Salem’s Lot and Dracula featured vampires who resembled, to a remarkable degree, the kind that would repulse Louis. The vampires were of course, the norm. The vampires, although similar to humans and in some way charismatic and clever, one could not see past them as a villain. When the clever and beautiful Louis met the vampires of Eastern Europe, he was meeting one hundred and fifty years of monster stereotype.

In “Dieting and Damnation,” Sandra Tomc, presented the view that in order to separate her own vampires from those indigenous to the genre, Rice borrowed heavily from the 1970s trend of androgyny

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