
Critical Perspective Of Uncle Albert

Decent Essays

Walker gives us a look at Uncle’s Albert and that of Elethia. With my critical lens, I would look at the story from the perspective of Uncle Albert. This would provide a more accurate account of the slavery that took place at that time. According to the oxford English dictionary, a slave is that individual who is owned by another individual and whose work and life is at the command of that individual. This therefore means that slavery is that social practice where one owns another person especially for the purposes of forced labor. To get this perspective of slavery, this is the reason why I would look at the story from Uncle’s Albert side. The audience to whom am writing for are both those who were or are slaves and those who enslave or watch others being enslaved. To those who have been enslaved, I would write as a way to communicate the problems and sufferings that they have and are going through.
From my own lens, I would give an account of Uncle Alberta. Slavery is a lime commitment, it accompanies one even after death. Despite being dead, those who enslaved you stuff you for you to work or them. When he was alive, Uncle Alberta would normally work in the farm as a slave. When he died, his work as a slave still continues as he was stuffed and used by the master to advertise the restaurant. Death was not the end of slavery as Uncle Alberta still had to work under the directives of the master. The stuffing is a mode of enslaving since his body was not laid to rest.

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