
Critical Thinking Process Analysis

Decent Essays

What would the world be like without critical thinking? The thought of no Albert Einstein and his contribution to society is really scary. Introduction to Critical Thinking and Ethics Critical thinking can be defined as several things or ideas. The critical thinking process can be compared to the action of pealing back on onion. The first layer is brown or red as we continue the process we get to the nucleus of the onion. It is important to understand that critical thinking requires more thorough approach to an idea or information, rather than just looking at the outer cover. We as students and as people must think more than just on the surface. We must dig in to the subject and analyze or dissect the subject and/or question at hand. Critical …show more content…

According to Reichenbach, the first step is knowledge of whatever it is you are dealing with whether it is a reading assignment or a math problem. The second step is comprehension which we hear in reading all the time. Comprehension is the process of making sure you have a good understanding of the task and process you are dealing with. The third step in the process is application. This is the point when you attempt to apply what you learned to the situation or problem. These steps can happen all at once or simultaneously. The fourth step analysis involves both form and content. The fifth step is the synthesis. During this step, one must make an attempt to put together the information gathered from the previous steps. Once the information is organized it can then be evaluated to make an informed decision. Without proper evaluation, unreliable and unrealistic decisions can be made resulting in more work and …show more content…

When I attend a car auction I use the critical thinking process before making a purchase. The process allows me to weigh the pros and cons of purchasing a damaged or high mileage vehicle. The first thing I take into consideration is the price of the vehicle and the black book value. Then I determine if my shop can repair the car and if there will be enough profit for me to invest my time and effort. The same process is used when I buy vehicles with no damage. The benefit of using critical thinking and problem solving is a must in any transaction that a person or business is trying to accomplish. Ethical Lens Inventory I agree with the completed ethical lens inventory (ELI ). I do believe these assessments can be bias and geared towards convincing me to purchase something. The ELI summed me up perfectly by stating that I used sensibility in my decision making and equality. Those are the virtues that most military people have. Personal Ethics that Influence My Decision Making When I think about what makes people who they are, personal Ethics comes to mind. Basically those who demonstrate sound judgement and possess ethical behavior. Individuals who stay within the boundaries of the law, in most cases, positively contribute to society. That being said, my personal ethics will not allow me to rob a bank or snatch an old ladies pocket

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