
Cultural Mold Research Paper

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Whether we see it, smell it, or feel it, mold is all around us. When found outside, fungus plays a vital role in the natural environment by breaking down dead organic matter. But when it finds its way inside, molds produce allergens that can cause health problems for humans and their pets. Because their spores cannot be seen by the naked eye, it is almost impossible to detect them in the air. Fortunately, there are ways to tell if you require professional mold inspection. Surface Growth Although their spores may be invisible when floating around, when they land on a wet surface and begin to grow, they're hard to miss. Spores, while ranging in size, shape, and color, always look dirty and unhealthy. Because they need moisture to survive, …show more content…

The only exception is when there has been a plumbing leak that attracts floating spores. It doesn't matter where the leak is located - in a basement, wall, or floor - fungus will inevitably find it. Health Problems Although generally harmless outdoors, when spores are confined to an indoor space, allergic reactions are quite common. This is particularly true for children and people with respiratory problems. According to reliable estimates, about one out of every three children is allergic to mold, making it the most common allergen after pollen. But because the symptoms of exposure are quite common (coughing, sneezing, eye irritation, runny nose, etc.), most homeowners do not pinpoint the cause for many months. A good rule of thumb is to have an inspection if common allergy symptoms seem to be exacerbated in your home. Old Home No matter how well you look after your abode, water damage is inevitable on a long enough timeline. And whether it strikes the ceiling, under the cabinets, or in the cellar, there's a good chance fungus will grow. Once again, it might not be visible, fragrant, or in any way detectable, but spores can cause problems for current and future occupants. It is no wonder most homeowners either request or consent to an inspection before selling their homes. We should also mention that fungal remediation only gets more expensive with time, and waiting too long could make treatment

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