
Customer Loyalty And Employee Loyalty

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Customer loyalty plays a very vital role in an organization’s success or not always, is a very interesting debate. It has been suggested at several literature that loyal customer generates ongoing revenue and they also assist in generating profitable business income to any organization. At the same time research also suggests that there are other views available in relation to the concept of loyalty. The important factor to understand is weather those factors lead to long term business profitability or not. In my opinion regardless of other considerations, customer loyalty plays a great input in the business benefits and revenue. Today’s literature review will put some light on both customer loyalty as well as other consideration. It will further emphases the importance of the customer loyalty aspect and its impact on the revenue of the firm by supporting the concept of customer loyalty. Firstly, to start with it is important to understand what is Customer loyalty? Loyalty can be explained as an attitudinal or behavior. According to Mark, Grahame & Kathy (2003): “Loyalty is something that consumers may demonstrate their interest to brands, services, stores, product categories. Here, we use the term customer loyalty as opposed to brand loyalty; this is to emphasize that loyalty is a feature of people, rather than something inherent in brands (Mark, Grahame & Kathy, 2003).” To explain it further Customer loyalty is something where consumer or customer likes or prefer to buy

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