
DPP4: A Comparative Analysis

Decent Essays

1. What did the authors want to find out or prove? Why? (Introduction)
2. What exactly did they do? (Methods)
3. What were their results? (Results)
4. What do these results mean? (Discussion)
5. What else could the authors have done? What should they do next? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this paper? Why does this research matter? (Synthesis)
Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 is a functional receptor for the emerging human coronavirus-EMC. (2013) Nature 495, 251–254

“The receptor used by the SARS virus is found mainly on cells deep in the lungs. That helps to explain why that virus caused serious disease but was relatively difficult to catch or transmit by coughing or sneezing, notes Christian Drosten, director of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn Medical Centre in Germany and an author of the latest Nature paper. DPP4 seems to show a similar distribution, he says, which suggests that the new virus might behave in the same way.” “knowledge of the distribution of DPP4 in the human airways is limited.” Gallagher, T. & Perlman, S. Nature 495, 176–177 (2013). …show more content…

The receptor protein is present in very similar versions in many mammals, including bats, non-human primates, and various domestic animals. The virus might therefore easily jump between species, and humans might continue to be reinfected from a potentially wide range of animal reservoirs. This aspect of DPP4 is consistent with results published last year5 showing that hCoV-EMC could infect bat, pig and human cells in vitro, an interspecies promiscuity not seen in the SARS virus or other coronaviruses.” Müller, M. A. et al. mBio 3, e00515-12 (2012)

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