
Essay on Descartes' Proof of God's Existence

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The existence of God has always been an arguable topic. Descartes’ however, believed that he had proof of God’s existence through an intense analysis of the mind. Throughout this paper I will discuss what he has provided as proof and some of the complications that arise throughout his argument. You can find Descartes’ proof of the existence of God in the Third Meditation. Although to understand this argument you have to look at his previous meditation where he begins to build his argument with the notion that in order for him to think, he must exist. From this observation, Descartes’ sees that the idea of his existence is very clear and distinct in his mind. Based upon this clarity and the fact that he has just determined his own …show more content…

This means the ideas either came from inside or outside of us. Innate ideas are what someone thinks something is, what truth is and what thought is. These ideas are considered innate because the understanding process seems to be a result simply from one’s own nature. They are in no way derived. When I see, hear, feel, touch, and talk, I develop an idea adventitiously. For example, if I were sitting by a fire, I would feel the heat off of the flames. Feeling or having the idea of the heat was not something I decided to do from within; therefore, it must have come from something other than myself, which in this case would be from the fire. Last but not least, some ideas are made up in my own mind. For instance, when I read a book, I develop an image based on what I’m reading but I obviously have never actually seen the settings of the stories I have read. Descartes utilizes another rule in his thought process which states that objective reality cannot exist without formal reality. By this he means that we cannot form an idea without a cause. Assuming that God does exist would be an example of a Formal reality. Whereas the idea of God, is considered objective reality because it represents an infinite substance. Ideas themselves automatically have objective reality because the idea itself represents some reality. Also, the more perfect ideas cannot come from the less perfect; this is called The Causal

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