
Descriptive Essay On A Cold House

Decent Essays

The coldness all around me as I step outside my car. The dark clouds hug far above my head. As I prepare myself for the challenge that lies ahead. It was the middle of the winter and the trees looked like twigs. As I walk around the leaves crunching under my boots. I carry a camera as I head toward the creepy, noisy house. The singing of James inside the car could be heard all over the country. I keep walking forward to get a better look at this house I could see the paint wearing off and the windows boarded up. I look at my phone in horror and realize that it's close to dead. Thunder boomed over my head as rain started to come down. I walk up to the gate and open it. The gate creaked open and I look upon the yard. The grass was dead the stone path looked like pebbles. The house looked fragile as if it was about to collapse I gulped down my fear as I push onward. I walked up to the door which the steps creaked under my foot. I knocked on the door which burst down with a loud boom. James screamed something which I could not hear I stepped inside. The house was unkempt and plain chairs were flipped over and the TV was cracked. I saw stairs that lead up and down. I walk forward only to realize the smell. Imagine a rotting piece of meat, that was the smell. I was starting to have regrets when James walks in with the supplies. He asks if I was ok and what the smell was. I ignored him as he was starting to annoy me. I walked up the stairs that creaked with every step. I get to

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