
Distortion of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essay

Decent Essays

In the past the American Dream was an inspiration to many, young and old. To live out the American Dream was what once was on the minds of many Americans. In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream was presented as a corrupted version of what used to be a pure and honest ideal way to live. The idea that the American Dream was about the wealth and the possessions one had been ingrained, somehow, into the minds of Americans during the 1920’s. As a result of the distortion of the American Dream, the characters of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby along with many others, lived life fully believing in the American Dream, becoming completely immersed in it and in the end suffered great tragedies. …show more content…

Jay Gatsby believed that to live a happy life he had to have money and a high status. Gatsby however "fails to overlook the fact the fullest kinds of pleasure come from the understanding of accomplishments"(Fahey 70) and not the flaunting of the results of his success. Gatsby foolishly tries to get the approval of every one around him but fails to see that it was slowly guiding him towards failure. Gatsby used the American Dream as a way “ to create a new self as though the self is all surface and appearance,”(Leone 127) which was a way the dream was twisted in the 1920’s. Gatsby was a man who did not wish to live his family's life, a man who wanted to go above the level of his parents. Jay Gatsby's legal names was James Gatz, "he had it changed at the age of seventeen at the specific moment that witnessed the beginning of his career"(Fitzgerald 104). By doing this Gatsby was trying to put as much space between him and his parents who were shiftless and unsuccessful farmers. To escape his family’s life of poverty hr became the right hand man of Dan Cody. He managed to accomplish this feature by earning his trust slowly throughout the five years that Gatsby was with Cody. Dan Cody was a man made of money. His family was there for every metal rush since the seventy- five, and from him Gatsby learned the proper education of a high society man. Gatsby by doing this left his parents behind to become a new

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