
Diversity and Inclusion

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On November 25th, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, or PL 94-142. This legislation guaranteed that all children with disabilities and their families would have certain rights with respect to education. PL 94-142 has 6 major components: a free and appropriate public education, students with disabilities will be educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE), students will have an individual education program (IEP), the right of procedural due process, the right to nondiscriminatory assessment, and the right to parental participation (Gargiulo, 2012). A free and appropriate public education: This mandate requires that all children must be provided with a free public …show more content…

An ITP must be added to the IEP by age 16. Autism and traumatic brain injuries were also named disabilities under the law. The reauthorization added services such as social work and counseling, as well as rehabilitation. Additionally, states could now be sued for violating IDEA (Gargiulo, 2012). PL 105-17 (1997): This reauthorization clarified IDEA further and made a few modifications to existing provisions. Schools were required to establish goals for academic achievement for students, and provisions for discipline and funding were added. Disabled/Special Education students who commit serious disciplinary infractions in the school (such as possessing weapons, drugs, etc.) may now be removed from the school for no more than 45 days following a due process hearing. Students who are expelled or suspended still maintain the right to a free and appropriate public education that meets the requirements of the student’s IEP. Students who commits less serious infractions can now be disciplined like their non-disabled peers, provided that the behavior displayed is found not to be a manifestation of disability. Educators could also now use developmental delays to describe children ages 3-9 who were in need of services. This revision also stated that the methods for initial evaluation and reevaluation need not just include standardized tests; portfolio reviews, parental

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