
Do Companies Need Loyalty Programs?

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Brands - we see them everywhere. Nowadays advertisement has become so common, that it is normal for us to see promotions all around from the moment we get up from bed and up until we go to sleep. We do like some of those advertised brands, and in order buy their production and stay loyal to them. However, some of them we do not and just try to ignore their output. Nevertheless, is it possible to influence people through loyalty programs and why do people choose to stay loyal in the first place? Some believe that companies want to make their customers happy and money is not the main goal for them, but I reckon that it is profitable for companies to have loyal and dependents consumers and it is the main reason of why now we have loyalty programs in our society. First of all, the main thing that all firms want is to make as much profit as possible. To support this claim we can look at the basic economic theory of people rationality and profit maximization (Frank, 2010). Under a more is better assumption, people have to seek for tangible assets and they get better off with every cent they receive. Profit maximization relies on this assumption and proves that profits are the main reason we have companies and, in turn, loyalty programs. Firms do like dependent and loyal clients, because for them, returning clients are the main source of money. However, consumers should not be influenced by this theory, since they have a full freedom to choose which products to buy, so companies

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