
Donald Trump: The Guilty Of Racial Discrimination

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There is only one race: the human race. However, throughout history, we have separated ourselves in order to make some of us superior to others (Elliott). Over time, people began to use race to justify discrimination, hatred, and oppression. Subsequently, the tendencies to create stereotypes based on a person’s skin color, and the outright discrimination against a certain group of people are still present today. In direct response to the recent presidential election, racism has been brought again to the forefront of American media.
Donald Trump, the president-elect, claims to not have a single racist bone in his body, but there is a reason he has such a vast amount of white supremacist supporters. He has a long, running history of saying …show more content…

Rather, it appears in the mindset of bigots, like Donald Trump, who insist that people of color are flawed in some sense. Cramped within the small print of legal work, superintendents and businesses can be found charging more for rent and services, simply because of the color of a person’s skin. Trump’s company is one of the many guilty of racism, and has been sued many times for discriminatory behavior. The Trump Management Corporation was accused of giving different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did to white rental candidates, by telling black buyers that apartments were unavailable. In 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for these alleged racial discriminations against African American people, and two years later, without admitting guilt, the company settled the lawsuit. But just three years after that, the Justice Department again sued for alleged discrimination against black applicants. There have also been accounts at the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino of managers removing African American card dealers at the request of big-spending gamblers. This led to other many other accusations. Kip Brown, a former employee told a reporter, “When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor.” (O’Connor and

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