
Essay about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde This novel is more than just a traditional horror story as it has many hidden and complex meanings and explanations, of what seem and would have normally before this book, been simple events. Stevenson has very strong opinions and some are expressed in the book. A traditional horror story would either be a super natural In this novel Stevenson's characters, Jekyll and Hyde, are stereotypes of people who are 'good' and 'evil'. The good is the friendly doctor (the caring profession) and the evil is the hunched, ugly murderer. These two stereotypes combine to create the average man who has the capacity to be both 'good' and 'evil', and they have both 'good' and 'evil' thoughts and emotions. All people …show more content…

This could be seen as a traditional aspect of the horror, a writer might use this to symbolize the changing of Jekyll to Hyde Jekyll A respected chemist, we first meet Jekyll in the third chapter "Dr.Jekyll was quite at ease" in which he is described as "a large, well made, smooth faced man of fifty, with something of a slylish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness". This is typical of the author's style through which, using few words, he can reveal the many layers of a characters personality. Notice that the Doctor is smooth faced seeming to present an inscrutable exterior and therefore and air of mystery. The phrase "a slyish cast" opens a crack in the polished façade through which the reader begins to see his true nature. We are reminded here of Poole's description later in the novel as he describes the Jekyll/Hyde double in the laboratory as having a "mask upon his face". Once again the mask motif is used by the author to underline his theme of duality. The symbol of the cellar door that Hyde disappears through is important to note. Could this door be meant to represent the fictional path to evil? Throughout the novel, it is important to examine what Utterson suspects of Jekyll. While Jekyll clearly is acting strange, Mr. Utterson is blind to the fact that this is truly Dr. Jekyll¹s problem and instead blames Mr. Hyde for blackmail. The question remains, blackmail for what?

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