
Drinking Water Lead Contaminated Water

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In Flint Michigan, nearly 100,000 residents are drinking lead contaminated water. (QuickFacts). We are not discussing a third world country on the other side of the globe, but rather a city in the United States. It would seem as though the land of opportunity, and the land many flee too should be able to provide clean drinking water. However, in the United States 310,000 children aged 1-5 are found with an unsafe level of lead running through their blood stream. (Lead 8). In Flint alone, 8,000 children under the age of six have been exposed to harmful levels of lead. The agencies and government that was put into place to protect the public from these issues is often turning a blind eye, and often allowing the public to continue to drink this contaminated water. A major part of the problem is that lead water pipes run throughout cities across the United States. Although it would very expensive to replace all the water pipes running through Flint, not replacing the pipes could potentially continue to do more harm to the ecosystems, and to the communities they are in. (rst2) In April of 2014 due to financial reasons Flint’s water supply source was temporarily switched from the Detroit system to the Flint River. (CNN 2). The water was then found highly corrosive. The Department of Environmental Quality did not treat the corrosion going against federal law. When Flint switched their water supply back to Lake Huron in October it was already too late. The corrosive water made the

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