
Dumb Jock Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Cardale Jones, former Ohio State University football quarterback tweets; “Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain’t come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS” . This tweet continues the stereotype that athletes are stupid and do not care about getting good grades. On average athletes have a higher grade point average than non athletes. In a recent study, it presents that college athletes had a high grade point average, averaging a 3.25, than college students, averaging a 3.01. Not all athletes fall under the dumb jock stereotype. Compared to the average student, athletes have numerous outside forces encouraging them to maintain a high grade point average and to stay eligible. These numerous outside forces consist of themselves, coaches, teachers, parents, National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the administration of their school; all keeping an eye on their grades. On the other hand, keeping an eye on non athletes grades include; themselves, their parents, and teachers. Having multiple personal tracking one’s grades puts more pressure to maintain good grades. Athletes additionally have better control over their time management due to the fact that they have less free time. Athletes are required to juggle 15-18 hour semesters, three to six three hour practices a week, an additional hour …show more content…

Athletes get the dumb jock stereotype because of previous athletes who failed drug tests, got arrested for public intoxication, possession of drugs, and for throwing temper tantrums. Several professional athletes have been in the news for these immature actions. While few college athlete and professional athletes actually get in trouble. While there is over 460,000 college athletes, only 307 got in trouble with the law in 2015, that is less than 1%. In professional athletics, which consists of about 18,000, only 76 got involved with the law; again less than

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