
ECE 205 Child Development Observation P Essay

Decent Essays

Child Development Observation (Preschool/Early Elementary Age)
Kimberly Thomas
ECE 205 Week 4 Assignment
Instructor Nadia Hasan
November 10, 2014

The preschool years which are the ages between 2 ½ years to five years old is an exciting time for children. It is during this time that they use all of the development learned during the infant and toddler stage to actively explore and engage in school. Preschoolers learn how to make their own choices, develop socially, and explore their environments. Parents and caregivers still play an important role in helping children during this time take initiative and explore their environments. Adult’s behaviors, attitudes, and styles of thinking contribute to preschooler’s …show more content…

Through play they are able to learn their environment and it helps with learning. In the area of language development preschoolers are developing well as they learn more words and are very verbal. Children are more vocal about their surroundings, feelings, and other individuals. It is important to pay attention to speech during this time as most delays in language are noticed during this stage of development. “It is important to encourage talk at this time, and to seek advice from a specialist if any delays are suspected.” (Christina J. Groark, Stephanie K. McCarthy, Afton R. Kirk, 2014) Socially children are developing as they show interest in playing with other children. “Children are driven by the desire to be liked and place the utmost importance on friends.” (Christina J. Groark, Stephanie K. McCarthy, Afton R. Kirk, 2014) It is during this period they children learn how to share and respect other feelings. Children learn how to follow rules and know their boundaries during this stage of development. Each stage of development is essential in how well children are able to enjoy the exciting time of preschool.
In the video “Draco’s Transition to Group Time” We are introduced to Draco who is in a preschool setting. Draco and his class are transitioning from playing with Lego’s to group time. As Draco is helping place the Lego’s back in their proper place he is gripping a green chair. Another child attempts to take the

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