
Electoral Americ The Purpose Of The Electoral College

Decent Essays

Electoral College
The Electoral College was a compromise in order to pick a president between the Congress’s vote and the citizens’ vote. The selection of Electors would meet and vote for the president and vice president, they would also count the electoral votes by Congress. There are 538 electors, but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect a vice president or a vice president. The amount of electors equals the amount of members of the House of Representative that states have plus two more for the Senator. Each candidate running for president has a group of electors in each state. The candidates’ electors are chosen by the candidates’ political party but, different laws in different states change how the electors are selected. When voting for a President we are actually voting for our state candidates’ election. After the presidential election, the governor of their state writes a Certificate of Ascertainment which list the candidates for that state as well as their electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also shows which electors will represent the state at the election meeting as well as the winning presidential candidate. The meeting of the electors is held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the presidential election. In their respective states, the electors cast their votes for both the Vice President and President on separate ballots. The voters’ votes are then recorded and sent to Congress on the Certificates of Votes.

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