
Embryonic Stem Cells Ethical

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There are many diseases that have the potential to affect every single person in the world. Some are curable and some are not. However, some cells called stem cells may impact and help many people. Stem cells are what are called undifferentiated cells, which means that they are not specialized cells. However, they can develop into all different kinds of cells within the body. So through this, stem cells control the development of the body by evolving into the cells the body needs to survive, or even replacing worn out or destroyed cells (Levine and Miller 294-297). These cells can reproduce to make more of themselves through cell division. In the long run, stem cells enable the body to continue functioning and to stay healthy (Stem Cell).
Researchers use …show more content…

There is little argument against using adult stem cells because when used, a donor consents to donate their cells. However, there are many arguments against using embryonic stem cells because these come from embryos, one of the earliest stages of a baby. There are those who fight against it because they believe that embryos have the same rights as every other human being and should not be used for this. Some feel very strongly because while taking the cells from it, the embryo is destroyed. However, the other side to the argument is that stem cells from these embryos can be used to help save many others from death. One can see how hard it is to decide what to choose because either way, there is a death and a life on the line. This also makes it hard for researchers to get funding to continue researching. However, technological advancements may help to prevent any more disagreements by erasing the notion of using embryos at all. There is hope that there is a certain way that extracting stem cells from the embryo may not harm it at all. It also may be possible to use adult stem cells in place of the embryo cells (Levine and Miller

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