
Emily Dickinson's My Life Had Stood a Loaded Gun Essay

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The primary literary strategy in Emily Dickinson’s “My Life Had Stood – a Loaded Gun”, is a metaphor of a gun and its master which is used to represent a wife and her husband. This metaphor is used to illustrate an unbalanced relationship where the wife is objectified and lacks agency. The wife reduced to an object which is at the disposal of her hunter/master/husband. The gun narrates the poem and it takes pleasure in expressing its power to kill. The poem presents the challenge of identifying who the speaker is and who the gun metaphorically represents (Forman). To help solve this riddle, Angela Estes asks, “For whom in the nineteenth century would pleasure and power be problematic should they be expressed?”. A female speaker is the …show more content…

The poem describes the hunter/husband and gun/wife lives together as they roam the woods and hunt doe. The gun/wife propels her husband to loftier heights with her power (Palmerino). In contrast to her life prior life in the corners where she sat unnoticed, when the gun/wife now speaks “The Mountains straight reply -”. In other words, when the gun is fired there is a echo. Now she can be heard and her power can be felt. She has an effect on her surroundings. This can allude to how as a married women, the wife now has a higher social status and is more likely to be taken seriously and listened to. In the fifth section, the gun comes to the peak of her power and sounds like she has autonomous agency, or as Vendler describes it, the gun takes a “grammatically independent action” (319). The speaker says that “I lay a Yellow Eye” as if she is doing something on her own. However, guns cannot kill people; they cannot pull their own trigger. In this gun/master metaphor, the wife/gun is an object entirely reliant on other people to give direction and purpose in her existence. Therefore, the action is only seemingly independent and is perhaps a sign a wishful thinking on the gun/wife's part to not view herself as dependent. When the wife/gun does seem to realize how dependent she is, she becomes almost frantic. She says the hunter/husband must live long than her because “I have the power to kill, / Without

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