
Employee Motivation: Role in Modern Management

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Employee Motivation: Role in Modern Management

Motivation as a word draws its authentic meaning from the Latin word ‘movere’ meaning to move. Motivation transitions us from a dull state to being enthusiastic and interested. As a positive and implicit force, motivation shapes the path of our behavior, energizes the behavior and elicits the normality to uphold it. The definition clearly points out that an individual must be passably energized and enthused and must be willing to patiently and enduringly implement their energy in realizing the set goals. While motivation may seem like a personal call, managers should not presume that their labor force would naturally tap in and individually attend to the call. Therefore, the first elementary roles of managers should be to motivate the labor force to work toward realizing the firm’s goals and their individual goals. In an attempt to motivate employees, managers must first realize that for people to perform better, the surrounding environment must suit their central emotional drive to obtain, understand, relate and defend (Nohria, Gryosberg and Lee, 2008). The goal centers on the manager’s aptitude to learn his employees and then embrace techniques that will stir motivation upon them. Modern management entails hiring labor force with relevant skills in meticulous areas than the manager’s. The manager then clearly defines the job specifications and expectations to the employee so that their skills and knowledge are aligned with

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