
English Language Learners: A Conceptual Analysis

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Education sets out to achieve many goals, among them are empowering students with the ability to learn how to think critically and solve problems, how to work independently and cooperatively with others, and how to become lifelong learners. Meeting the needs of students is a difficult task, but even more so when dealing with students who are not proficient or possess limited skills with the English Language. Public schools across the country have seen significant growth in student diversity in the last few years in regards to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and language (Johnson, 2015).
Along with the language barrier, English Language Learners (ELLs) often have high transient rates which pose a challenge to educators concerned with …show more content…

Using technology, teachers can present and translate instructional materials in the students? native language. Students are allowed opportunities to increase verbal interaction, vocabulary development and enhancement of reading and writing skills. Keeping students engaged in a language-rich environment by allowing for communication among peers fosters collaborative learning among students. Computers provide opportunities for one-on-one learning to develop vocabulary skills in a context-rich environment that offers immediate feedback.
ELL students usually arrive to class with a variety of academic abilities. Teachers can use technology to personalize learning by developing individualized learning plans and resources that addresses and meets the needs of students with varying academic skills. Some of the benefits of using technology in the classroom is scaffolding lessons, which allows the advanced student to progress at his own pace while offering support to the beginning …show more content…

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