
Enzymes: Clinical Analysis

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Enzymes: Clinical Applications

Enzymes mediate almost every single biochemical reaction, process or metabolic event in the body. Overall, enzymes are proteins whose primary function is to catalyze, increase the rate of the biochemical reactions (Champe et al., 2005). Enzymes are not only efficient in increasing the rate or velocity in a biological reaction, but also are incredibly accurate at recognizing other biochemical structures to create specific products. Taking into consideration how diverse the properties of enzymes are and their importance in the biological process of the human body, it is not a surprise how enzymes can be used as invaluable tools in the diagnosis of certain diseases, therapeutic applications and innumerable cases of clinical trials and lab analysis (Devlin, 2011). One example of the many application of enzymes in the medical field is how Proteases Pronase (Hydrolytic enzyme) and RNases are being used to remove adhesions in contaminated …show more content…

In essence, it is a circular process where an enzyme deficiency can result in the accumulation of metabolites in plasma, and then pinpoint the enzyme abnormality (Devlin, 2011). Furthermore, the presence of elevated enzyme activities in plasma may be an indication of damage somewhere in the body, such as liver, heart, skeletal muscle or any tissue (Champe et al., 2005). In other words, enzymes can be used as a lighthouse to give the clinicians an idea of what is going on in the body. Therefore, analyzing blood for cellular components is one of the convenient ways that clinicians use to look for tissue damage in the body (Devlin, 2011). In fact, it is the imperative to take into consideration the time of evaluation of the appearance and disappearance of some enzymes, increasing this way the accuracy of the diagnosis and prompt identification of the tissue affected (Devlin,

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