
Epic Theatre By Bertolt Brecht

Decent Essays

Bertolt Brecht was the pioneer of a new style of theatre, epic theatre. Epic theatre differentiates itself from Bertolt’s previous influences by presenting a series of loosely connected scenes that avoid illusion and often interrupt the story line to address the audience directly with analysis, argument, or documentation. He sought to remind the spectator that the play is an illustration of the playwright’s point of view rather than a slice from reality. This made audiences react with curiousity and participate in a dialogical argument criticising their own life and what they could do to change it rather than an emotional and empathic response that accepts events in the play as a slice of reality, accepted as the norm. He wanted his audiences to adopt a critical perspective in order to recognise social injustice and to go forth and transform the reality.
Bertolt utilised specific techniques to intentionally disillusion the audience throughout the play. One of the main techniques that Bertolt utilised was exposing the construction and mechanisms of theatre to the audience. By emphasizing the spectator’s awareness of the methods of its production, his shows aimed to expose the contradictions between the characters’ ideology and purpose. Such techniques included flooding the stage with harsh white light, regardless of where the action was taking place, and leaving the stage lamps in full view of the audience; making use of minimal props and “indicative” scenery; intentionally

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