
Essay On Beowulf Is A Hero

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What Is the definition of a hero?... What about even a villain? A hero is a person who is admired or even idolized for their courage and noble qualities; villains are devoted to crime and just are evil at heart. Throughout the movie, Beowulf shows he is a true hero, but also has his flaws. When Beowulf first enters the movie, he seems full of energy with almost supernatural strength and stamina. Young Beowulf seems like he is only interested in one thing, his thirst for glory through battle. Once he and his crew arrive at Denmark, to destroy a monster, Beowulf tells exaggerated stories on how he slayed nine sea creatures. This could be considered one of his small flaws in character. After his storytelling, you see him take a special interest in the Queen, Wealtheow. Young Beowulf seems to only have one major flaw, women are his weakness. Later in the movie, he goes to a cave to finally get rid of the last monster, Grendel’s mom. Once Beowulf finds her, he does not do what he intended on. He was seduced, like the king, Hrothgar was. Now you could argue if Beowulf is a true hero, but Beowulf’s story is not over yet. …show more content…

This is when he goes from young to old. Older Beowulf almost seems to have a depressed aspect on how he views life, unlike the prideful young Beowulf. When Beowulf is talking to the younger women on the bridge, you can see how he regrets certain parts of his past and still loves his Queen. Later on, a part of Beowulf's past comes back. When Grendel’s mom and Beowulf meet in the cave, they had a kid, just like Hrothgar did. This one was different, it was a dragon. Beowulf and his son have a devastating battle. During it, Beowulf did save his Queen, but he could not save

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