
Essay On Bullying In America

Decent Essays

In American culture bullying is a sensitive topic for many kids and even adults in our society. Bullying is one of the biggest national issues our country has with our youth. Many kids or even teenagers that are bullied can experience depression, poor sleeping patterns, and even attempting or committing suicide. Bullying can affect a person's life forever, so the consequences that bullies receives should be much greater than what they are now. I was a victim of bullying but with the guidance from my family and God helped me overcome what I went through. America has brought awareness to how serious bullying is and ways our country, as a whole, can fight against bullying. I can remember in school we would have assembles on the effects of bullying and what to do if you or a friend was being …show more content…

Whenever I’d answer a question in class they would have something rude to say about what I said. This went on for a few months. I started to hate going to science and became extremely quiet in that class. I felt like I couldn’t be me. I couldn’t say the things I wanted or act the way I wanted to act because I was so afraid that these group of people would say something mean to me. I really didn't know what I was going to do to get out of this situation. Do I tell someone and get labeled as a snitch or do I endure this verbal torture and allow this situation to get worse. I turned to God, which is something I was taught to do throughout all my life. I’d been taught to turn to God in times of trouble. I pleaded with God and asked for help and guidance to guide me through this situation. I finally told myself enough was enough. I decided I wouldn’t take this verbal abuse any longer. I decided to tell my mom about what was going on at school. She emailed my teacher and told her what was going on. The teacher moved my seat and after that, the bullying

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