
Essay On Everglades

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There have been many times where people fought with each other, but now it is time to fight for Florida’s Everglades. The Everglades has had a long history, and now humans are trying to reverse what happened to it. The history of the Everglades is a story that hasn’t been romanticized. Before early settlers the land was flourishing, for the tribes that had resided there had no intention of changing the habitat. In the article “Past and Present: The Florida Everglades” it says, “The wetlands were once home to many rare, endangered, exotic species, however, this is no longer the case…” This information shows what the tribes didn’t want to do, but what the settlers ended up causing. The settlers that come from the outside land wanted to drain the Everglades by making manmade canals. They did this because they wanted to farm on the land where the Everglades were. The result of the settlers canals …show more content…

This problem has event caught the attention of the government and the senators of Florida. Since 1994, organizations, acts, and the awareness has developed. One of the first acts, passed in 1994, was called the Everglades Forever Act. It was created to decrease the phosphorous levels in the water of the Everglades after it was found mainly in farm areas. From then on, projects like the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, also known as the CERP, have began to appear. It states in the text passage “Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration”, “But many were unhappy with the red tape and slow pace of the CERP.” AS a result, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided to make another way to help the Everglades flourish once more; the Central Everglades Planning Project. This project was also to improve the quality of the water, but also fill the canals and installing filters. America has spent lots of money trying to restore the Everglades; however, they hope to bring the Everglades back to its original, healthy

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