
Essay On Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer

Decent Essays

This beautiful quote shows the love a human can have for a simple object as plain as a citrus. To some, a citrus may not be as exciting as double-chocolate cake. However, that citrus is Lily’s world. Kingsolver provided her with the citrus and Lily’s actions provided Kingsolver with insight. Once again, Kingsolver’s surrounding provided her with enjoyment and satisfaction. Something as boring as a citrus to one human can be so exciting and special to others, like Lily. A special treat that you have the privilege to eat, like a tangerine, can be exhilarating. If you have too easy of access to what you love, the value will slowly decrease because it loses its excitement. You are no longer longing, which creates an imbalanced equation. To achieve value though Kingsolver’s definition, one must allocate a careful balance of strong belief and a dire desire for something. Not only are …show more content…

What if we could just have a sense of knowing? Kingsolver further conveys this idea in Prodigal Summer. “This is how moths speak to each other. They tell their love across the fields by scent. There is no mouth, the wrong words are impossible, either a mate is there or he is not, and if so the pair will find each other in the dark” (Kingsolver Prodigal Summer 46) Life, as a moth, is simple. No questions asked, no senseless fighting, and no confusion. All you need to worry about is smelling right. Wow. I wish I could be a moth. But then again, Kingsolver makes the point that “everywhere you look, something is fighting for time, for light, the kiss of pollen, a connection of sperm and egg and another chance” (Kingsolver Trees 9). So even though moths and humans love differently, we are all connected by being under an umbrella of time. We fight for time, yet love is timeless. You can express love whenever you deem it right. It doesn’t matter whether or not it is day or night. Without love, life would be depressing. As Mother Teresa once

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