
Essay On Paid Maternity Leave

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Paid Maternity Leave is a Must A mere 12 weeks is the amount of unpaid maternity leave promised to working mothers under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in America. Although many mothers-to-be gladly take the dozen weeks off, American families are at a disadvantage compared to other families around the globe. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not guarantee or even offer paid maternity leave for working mothers; employers decide whether to provide paid leave for mothers. In the last few decades, more women have traded their aprons for briefcases. However, working women in the United States must choose to raise families while keeping their jobs. Currently, women in the United States must choose between their kids or their career. Mothers who decide to have families must stay at home with a new baby with no guarantee of a paycheck. New mothers should be guaranteed six months of fully paid maternity leave in the United States because they need to restore their health, paid leave helps the economy, and it promotes better health of the baby.
Although the process of giving birth and recovery is different for every woman, the human body must withstand many physical and psychological changes after having a baby. The federal …show more content…

Although the United States is one of the most advanced nations in the world, some women do not receive the treatment they need and deserve to build the best lives for their children and their families. Other countries such as France and Australia have embraced paid maternity leave. The United States is seen as the mother of the globe. Other countries follow their example. America’s loyal children need an example to follow. Just six months can birth new opportunities for all new mothers and their growing

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