
Essay On Social Construction

Satisfactory Essays

For this assignment I want to volunteer somewhere I’m comfortable and at the same time show how different city will do different thing. During spring break, my old high school host a baseball tournament where high schools from all over Colorado come and play. As an alumni and volunteer, I had the opportunity to be apart of the field crews and collecting trash at the end of each day. When I was a player, all I have to do at the end of the game was taking care of the field. Now as a volunteer I have to help the field crews clean up the fields and the stand where crowd sit watching the game. At the end of the day, I have to take out the trash and help the concession stand. Go back to my old high school as a volunteer help me understand different social construction of each community. Even though the United State is build based on the spirit of capitalism, but the social construction of each community is different. The city of Aurora and Boulder are two difference city. One major difference between Aurora and Boulder is recycling. During my time volunteering at the game, we did not give the option for people to recycle their trash. At a baseball game, usually there will be a lot of water bottle and Gatorade bottle thrown away. In the lecture of waste and recycling, we discuss about …show more content…

From the lecture social construction defined symbolic interactionism as “How human beings and social group symbolically communicate and acquire a sense of identity through social interaction.” As far as I can remember, during my high school years I did not acquire any lecture about waste or recycling. Therefore, I did not sense my environment, I define the situation they are in. Depend on how I interact with society at that time will determine how I will interact individually. Now, that I have lived in Boulder for three years, I have been put in a new situation where I have difference interaction with the

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