
Ethical Issues Of Group Therapy And Individual Counseling Essay

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Ethical Issues in Group Therapy and Individual Counseling Nichole Halls Liberty University Abstract Ethics or morals can be defined as right and wrong. It shapes our worldview by the choices that we make. It is a set of principles of right conduct, or a theory or system of moral values. High ethical values are crucial to our individual lives. Most people when they think of ethics, they tend to refer to the golden rule” do unto others, as you would have them do unto you”. This paper will look at ethical issues that arise during group therapy. It will discuss the leader, the qualities of a good leader, and how they should handle ethical issues when they arise. This paper will also consider ethical issues that can arise in individual counseling, and why a leader would choose group therapy over individual counseling. Challenges will come during counseling sessions, group and individual, but they must be handled in a professional, respectful manner. The leader must choose what is the best course of action when presented with these challenges, and remain within the code of ethics; which provide guidelines which must be followed. Ethical Issues in Group Therapy and Individual Counseling Ethics and making ethical decisions is a vital piece in a counselor’s career. Whether it is individual therapy or group therapy, a counselor must always present themselves as knowledgeable, professional and in control. When a counselor is making an ethical decision, they should as much as possible

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