
Ethos Pathos And Logos Essay

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Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Media Rough Draft What is the purpose of an argument? What is the point in arguing with someone? Well the point in argument is to inform, persuade, or to make decisions about the past, present, or future. An argument is not going back and forth just saying”yes it is” or no it is not”. In an argument you use logos by trying to convince the debater that something is right or wrong by giving logical reasons. Pathos in a argument you play the other person's emotion on themselves by creating an emotional connection. Ethos you convince the reader of your credibility or persuade them that you are a credible source. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos tie into media because the media is always telling people about what is going …show more content…

Pathos is the use of emotion on the audience or reader where the writer plays on the emotion of the reader so they can make an emotional connection.If you use their emotion in argument to get them to do something.Would you be more connected to a person if you have made a good connection between the two or more of you?when someone uses emotion on something it can make them do things they normally wouldn't do because they are emotionally thinking about the effects something could have done to themselves or somebody else.An example of using emotion is by using words that are meaningful to the person such as saying”please don't i love them”. The world wide media uses Ethos in commercials and ads by showing ads that play on the emotion of the reader.Examples of these types of ads are the “Quit smoking” advertisements because they show the effects of a long time smoker and the reason the may have died in the future.There Are Many examples of this on tv because almost everyone in the world has a tv and watches it all ofthe time. The last example of how media ties into emotion is the commercial of the animal rescue advertisement where they tell you that a lot of animals die in kennels from abuse every day and that you need to send money to help them rescue the abused animals from bad homes. Logos is when you appeal to logic,and they use this when they want to persuade the reader by

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