
Evaluating Group Performance

Satisfactory Essays

Overall, the performance was okay, however, there were many flaws. My own performance was not at all perfect because I definitely could have done a lot better. I should have taken more action to actually lead the group more, but instead I was a little shy because of the fact that I was the youngest. For example, I should have pushed the group to rehearse more, so we would have been better at our lines. However, I was not the strongest leader and did not do so. In my performance I should have been louder and projected my voice more and I should have done more acting instead of standing. I could have also spoke a little deeper to sound like a boy, but I did not think about that and worried more about my lines than I did the quality of what I was saying. …show more content…

The main problem with our performance was that not everyone was loud enough and some people did not speak with enough emotion in there words. We also did not act as much as we could have because most of the time we were just sitting or standing. I liked to work with the partners I had, however, it would have been nice if everyone would not have put as much on me. I know I put a lot on myself, but sometimes all someone has to tell me is not to do so much and I will stop. I honestly loved this group, but we just had a few flaws that could have easily been

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