
Everglades Research Paper

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The Florida Everglades provides water to roughly 7 million people in Florida. There is on going issues with the Everglades water supply; for instance, it’s history,and the delayed problems are just two. There has been many acts to save it, and now we just can’t give up.

To begin with, we have had a rocky history involving the Everglades water supply. We are now trying to recover from the past. For example, in the text, “The Past and the Present,” it states, “The construction and population increase in Everglades upset it’s fragile ecosystem, and cut off the flow of fresh water to the Everglades.” As a result, it’s quantity and diversity decreased by 50%. Although many people did try to save the Everglades, it wasn’t until the year 1934 when Congress passed the law and the park was officially opened. Now people from all over the U.S can enjoy the park! …show more content…

Many people are wondering, when will this be fixed? Good news- soon!! According to page 116, it explains, “A Supreme Court decision made in 2004 implemented 8.4 billion dollars for the project to re-establish the natural flow of the water to the Everglades in the next 30 years.” Since 1900, drainage has eroded the original wetlands by 50%. Another reason we have so many problems is the sugar cane, with all the sugar cane there is no land left to support life. This is a shame that all the wildlife is being affected or dying

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